Current Projects:
The vision of Hiawatha Academies is to permanently disrupt educational inequity by ensuring a great school for every child. JackPine is working with Hiawatha Academies on an organizational equity assessment that includes capacity building and piloting tools with senior staff members.
We partner with Hackman Consulting Group, a cadre of highly skilled trainers from multiple disciplines who work with organizations to address issues of deep diversity, equity, and social justice. JackPine provides capacity building, evaluative thinking, tool development and organizational assessment services to HCG and their clients.
The purpose of the Statewide Health Improvement Program (SHIP) is to help Minnesotans live longer, healthier lives by preventing the leading causes of chronic disease: Tobacco and obesity. Grants allow communities to employ environmental, evidence-based strategies in four settings: Schools, communities, worksites, and health care settings. JackPine supports Live Well Goodhue County Public Health Division’s SHIP work through evaluation, monitoring, and reporting – capturing important information about the work of community partners.
JackPine partners with North Sky Health Consulting on multiple, ongoing projects. We are currently working with The American Lung Association in Minnesota to evaluate effectiveness and impact of tobacco-related technical assistance provided to Minnesota Department of Health grantees.
On a second partnership we are providing evaluation services to the National Association of School Nurses. This project promotes national collaboration in efforts to promote health, wellness, and academic success of school-age children with chronic health conditions.
A Sampling of Past Projects:
JackPine has worked with The Improve Group on several projects for a variety of clients, including Minnesota Department of Human Services-Aging and Disabilities Services, Statewide Health Improvement Program (SHIP), Physicians for Peace, and the Kennedy Center.
JackPine has provided support for Rainbow Research with interviewing, focus groups, data analysis and reporting, most recently for the Weed and Seed Initiative in the Phillips neighborhood; a community-based program funded by the U.S. Department of Justice with the goal of preventing, controlling, and reducing violent crime.